Use your genie Debit Mastercard through the genie app during the promo period and carry out at least one transaction on any 15 days and get an amazing cashback of up to 50%.
All you need to transact at least with 5 merchants with a minimum spend of LRK. 1,000 per transaction to be eligible to win a cashback of up to LRK. 25,000.
Terms & Conditions
- Only valid for transactions made using genie Debit Mastercard through the Genie app
- Maximum cashback value will be LKR 25,000
- Customer needs to spend on a minimum of 5 merchants during the promo period with a minimum spend of LKR 1,000 per transaction to be eligible
- This promo is valid for the billers/merchants where card payments are enabled in the app
- Customer needs to transact for at least 15 days during the promo period
- Reward will be credited within 7 working days from promo end date to their respective genie digital saver
- With regards to any issue or discrepancy, please be advised that the final decision is made by the genie management