Valid only from 10th January to 14th January 2025
Get an instant 20% CASHBACK at the HIGHWAY INTERCHANGE this long weekend! Max cashback of Rs. 250 per transaction, with up to 2 transactions permitted during the promo period. Scan the QR and pay via genie Savings account.
Terms and Conditions
- This promotion is valid from 10th January to 14th January 2025.
- Per transaction cash back percentage is 20%.
- Maximum cash back amount Rs. 250/-per transaction, Valid only for two (2) transactions.
- This offer is valid exclusively for Highway Interchange Transactions.
- Payment should be done through LANKA QR using the genie Digital Saver Account via the genie App.
- This offer is not applicable for genie Master debit card.
- The decision of Dialog Finance PLC regarding the promo-related matters, queries, and complaints shall be considered as final.
- This is a limited time offer, and Dialog Finance PLC reserves the right to change the promo mechanism, withdraw or close the promotion at any time during the promo period without providing any explanation to the participants.
- Any fraudulent activity found in the transactions /registration during the promo period will not be eligible for any reward.